Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cowards. Another Random Thoughts

this just popped up into my head in the middle of the night so i'll share this random thought...

we have a lot of cowards in our society today.

drinking alcohol is not an act of cowardice. in fact i drink alcohol. but drinking alcohol in order to cope with life's problems is a sign of cowardice.

lying is an act of cowardice. most people lies not because they wanna protect someone (white lie, so they say) but because they can't handle the consequences of the truth and can't take the other person's perception of themselves may the truth be known. (and all of us lie one way or another)

two-timers are basically cowards because they're not strong enough to fight their animalistic urge to have sex (physical or visual) with other people other than the one they're bestowed upon.

physical abusers are cowards for they attack only those who can't fight back.

hot tempered persons are also cowards for they don't know how to contend, hold, and handle their emotions. most hot-tempered persons i know used their hot-temperness to make a threat or to boss around. that's cowardice.

emotional defense mechanism is sometimes good but most of the time it only hinders the person from confronting his own problems so he can move on with his life without even facing it (this mostly applies to people with ex-lover problems)

those smooth talkers who go right deep into your emotion is also a coward for that person is afraid he might get involve in an intelligent logical reasoning (mind you, those smooth talkers who go right deep into your emotion will sound intelligent and well reasoned to your ears because your emotion's balance has been shifted already).

a perfectionist is a coward because he's afraid a little imperfection might crushed the domino of his life.

good healthy competition is good for the mind and soul but bad competition (the kind of competition coupled with jealousy that sometimes you're aware of but sometimes not) is a sign of cowardice for you let the lives of others pace your own.

false humility is not only pride in disguise but also a sign of cowardice (i'll give you the reason later. i'm already a bit sleepy i can't formulate it in english anymore. hahaha funny but true). and pride can fool a coward into thinking he is not.

a coward is the man who knows not when to accept and acknowledge his fault. that's basically because of his pride. and pride masks cowardice. that's why we value our pride. we're proud of them. we boast them around because that's where we get our strengths and meaning most of the time. but what if pride fails us?

and yes, beware of those people who always say something positive about you. they're probably cowards too because they can't bring themselves to tell you the honest truth in love so instead they sweetened and sugar-coat things up (they reasoned they don't wanna hurt the concerned friend. but then, if they're really a true friend and did understand what really is a friend, then they'l do otherwise). in other words, they too are liars. a good constructive rebuke or criticism is one of the gauge that your friend is really a friend. it's a sign that your friend is really concerned about your welfare. just make sure you do it in love and not arrogantly or self righteously. better do it in private too.

those who don't seek the truth is also a sign of cowardice. as we all know, uncorrupted search for truth leads to freedom but it is also a difficult rocky terrain to navigate and most of us would rather settle to our little comfort zone rather than challenge it.

a person who doesn't cry is a coward for he masks his true feelings with faux vigority as a means of showing off how strong he is 'cause he's probably too scared to confront the reason/s behind those suppressed tears. a person who also cries and whines all the time is a coward. every thinking person in this universe knows why.

Feel free to disagree. We can always agree to disagree and have a good descent conversation.

Friday, January 28, 2011


yehey was able to redeem this blog. i thought its lost forever but just a little tweak and got a new password... yup yup..