Saturday, January 24, 2009

What the Heck is A "Mother Fucker"?

I heard this profanity thrown every now and then mostly out of context.

But originaly this phrase isn't profane nor the word fuck.

but why do people use this when they're angry? Why these words?

And i also hate it when people would say "Jesus Christ!" not as a prayer but as a curse. Or the bisaya version "Sus!" or "Sus Ginoo!".

Why? why not use the name of Rizal or your ex girlfriend's name?

Me personally i invented or considered one word that was once sweet but now is profane to me and that word starts with an A and ends with a C. Me and my friends usually belt it out when we're angry or mad.

What once sweet. Is it the reason why most people spit the name of Jesus as something profane? Because they no longer feel His presence over them and they viewed Him as a distant tyrant?

Well,i find it funny when we decide something out of free will then blame Jesus for everything.

Jesus is not to be blamed. It is us who is.

The Gospel According To President Obama

This is just a thought...

I am a little puzzled why people hate it so much when christians start being preachy or when they share (not preach) the Gospel of Jesus to the masses...

I read a lot of demeaning articles about this on how Mr. This and Mr. That should shut their mouth up if they can't say anything than proclaiming Jesus' name.

Yet no one would even accuse the democrats and the liberals of being too preachy about their belief...


Are lectures about benefits of abortion, premarital sex, and any fleshly desires not preaching? huh?

Yet when people started lecturing the dangers of abortion, premarital sex, and etc, criticism are everywhere!!!!

Are the democrats really fair? Or are they just the same as what they thought of of the republicans?

Many would argue that the liberals' views are beneficial while the republicans' are selfish and killjoy. Nut then is discipline and self control and proper thinking ever is a killjoy exercise?:-)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


written by michael anthony curan

Oh how i miss the sunrise that blooms between the valley,
It's light yellow rays that compliments the dense cloud sky.
I said to myself, " I better wake up early next time!."
But how can i when i sleep so late?

My nights are my days
Where i go out and eat midnight pizza.
I read Ted Dekker while listening to Johnny Cash
In my tiny room apartment situated near its parking garage.

Until the dawn breaks.

Until it evolves to morning.

Until its 9 a.m.

And then off to sleep,
Never to be awaken in this world where i constantly weep.

And off to twilight where dreams begin,
Of crystal clear river flowing from deep within
the spring that builds up the city
Of bricks and stones, silver and gold.
The strands of its pillar so thick yet so elegant.
Where the trees bear fruit so sweet i can't describe,
And the leaves are soft my senses can't analyze.

And just when i saw an animate curve behind the herbs,
I realize this poem's purpose isn't really well served.
So instead i will leave this unfinished.

Just as my life is!

2009 michael anthony curan

Running Nosebleed !!!

Whaah... Just when i thought i could curl and read a book tonight, my nose suddenly went nuts and starts producing some clear fluids that flows out of it every time i tilt my head down.

I hate running nose! Oh my nose, please don't run!!!

It's a nuisance i can't get rid of Aarghhh !!!!!!!

here's a song i recorded during this tumultuous moment of my life. yes it's called Sore Throat Blues because i recorded this with a sore throat. check it out and here how i sound in this condition....
Sore Throat Blues by The Difficult Stranger

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jenny and Tyler (legal free download!!!)

I frequent the net a lot to find some interesting music because the radio ain't offering it anymore.

Normally i visit some music blogs and then noisetrade, a beautiful site co-created by singer/songwriter Derek Webb (who's songs are featured on Grey's Anatomy).

And i love what i found! Introducing Jenny and Tyler!!!

They've been making music since they 2004 but i just discovered them now. And so glad i did!

How do they sound like you might ask. well, think Norah Jones hanging out at Starbucks with M.Ward and Zooey Deschanel drinking espresso brewed by Natalie Merchant and served by Jack Johnson and you get the unique combination of folk, jazz, country, and a hint of some funky Johnson-que beat thrown in.

Here's an excerpts from the bio:

What began as a brief meeting on a church bus ride quickly blossomed into a friendship based upon a shared passion for creating good music. Tyler and Jenny met at the University of Delaware in August of 2004 and began playing and writing music shortly there after.

Originally from the Newark, DE area Tyler was in his sophomore year at UD, studying marketing, voice, and music management. However, he really focused most of his time on songwriting, recording, and music production. Freshly graduated from Ocean Springs High School in the bayous of Mississippi, Jenny spent years in the South writing songs with friends and family members, but didn't truly expand upon her creative energies until meeting Tyler.

Jenny and Tyler bring out the best in each other. From distinct melodies, beautifully complex backing vocals, fresh rhythms, and lyrics that speak boldly and directly to the souls of listeners, Jenny and Tyler strive to create music that is honest and genuinely good.

Experimenting with a wide spectrum of instruments, Jenny's bluegrass background meshes with Tyler's jazz roots to produce a new genre of music; one that defies being boxed up and labeled. Listeners describe Jenny and Tyler as a combination of folk, jazz, and pop. Some might say "Norah Jones meets Jack Johnson."

Jenny and Tyler's friendship quickly developed into romance and on June 30, 2007 the couple was married on the beach in Avalon, NJ.

On December 2007 the pair released their first full-length independent album, "A Prelude." Song titles on the album include, "Product of Culture," "American Dream," and the epic, "Plans for Us." The lyrics speak to the depravity of a society that exploits women and money in favor of superficiality. Yet the songs profess a deep hope for change and faith in a God who saves and provides purpose. The album's lighter side includes songs such as "Nashville," and "Love's Going to Last" which speak of two types of love: the romantic and the unconditional.

Upon Jenny's graduation from UD in December the pair plans to pursue music full time. For now, you'll find them loving life and each other while tucked away in their tiny apartment eating pancakes and cookie dough.

Their first full length album, A Prelude, is made available through Noisetrade where you get to pay what you want or if you're broke or have no visa or something, you can download it for free. All you have to do is provide five emails of your friends as a way of telling them to check out this magnificient tresure you found.

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and go here now!

or get a taste of them and download this song:
Product of Culture by Jenny and Tyler

Monday, January 12, 2009

Caught In The Obama-Warren Craze!!!

I found this a while ago here about the controversy regarding Pastor Rik Warren praying for the Obama inauguration.The article is okay but the comments seems funny enough that i almost died from my MVP... Okay that's exaggeration but anyways... Go figure!

This original article can be found here:

So let me get straight to the point.

Liberals and gay activists aren’t happy with Barack Obama for choosing pro-life and prop 8 supporting pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at Obama’s inaugural. But pro-life readers seem to be equally upset at Rick warren for agreeing to it.

The Brody File has been flooded with emails and most of them absolutely rip Pastor Warren for doing this. Below is but a very small sampling. I can’t reprint all of them but let me just say that pro-lifers are NOT happy with Warren at all.

Here’s The Brody File take: While I understand the justifiable concern coming from pro-lifers and liberals, the bottom line is this: why can’t a pro-life pastor pray for a pro-choice candidate? Are politics and past prejudices clouding our judgment here? Warren isn’t up there to speak out against homosexuality or push the pro-life issue. Sometimes we all get caught up so much in demonizing the other side that we don’t see the forest from the trees. Sure, it would definitely be an issue if Obama asked Warren to serve as his Health and Human Services Secretary which deals with abstinence funding or nominated Warren to the Supreme Court. But folks, why do we politicize prayer? I may fundamentally disagree with someone on every political issue under the sun but does that disqualify me from praying for that person, especially the President-Elect who needs our prayers in a desperate way? Just because Rick warren supports proposition 8 doesn’t mean his prayer for Obama isn’t sincere. Just because Warren prays for Obama at his inauguration doesn’t mean he marginalizes the pro-life agenda.

And here's the interesting comments from the so called conservative christians (and CBN fans i supposed)

From Dave:

I just lost a lot of respect for Rick Warren. How can someone who professes to be a Christian, put himself into a situation where other Christians would question him? Rick has done some good work however he just lost my respect.

From Larry:

I was saddened to read that Dr Warren will be praying at the inauguration. I different with him on almost all areas of theology, doctrine and church polity, though he holds himself out as a evangelical. I was devastated by the election. Not that a Democrat was elected, I'm more of a person not a party voter. Not that President Elect is a mixed race. I was devastated by a number of reasons and one grieves me most when I think of Dr Warren praying at the inauguration. As the result of one Supreme Court Decision, over 50 million babies have been murdered to date. The President Elect has in no uncertain terms pledged to continue the pro abortion agenda. How could around 54% of Catholics, 96% of African Americans, many who claim to be professing Bible Christians, @ 100% of Jewish Voters, who apparently have forgotten about the Holocaust and probably 50% or more of all kinds of other professing Bible Christians vote for the President Elect in light of his pro-abortion agenda? How? The same reason Dr Warren is going to pray at the inauguration. There is no real moral outrage in our Nation about Abortion. "Just words, just words," as the resident Elect said often in his campaign about his opposition. Words, but not real outrage and action.

From Pat:

This is terrible; this man call's himself a Christian????Barack H. Obama is the most PRO-DEATH president America has ever elected!!!!! He has said that as president he is going to pass the "Freedom of Choice Act" how can our country get any better with this type of MURDER?????? Mr. Warren school be ashamed of himself, protection of the unborn is the MOST IMPERATIVE issue as a Christian!!!!! For without life do we continue to have a society at all??? I think not!!!!!

God Bless & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Mary:

Unless Rick Warren has changed, he is very disappointing in the pro-life cause. Just ask pro-life leaders their opinion. He doesn't like to deal with it at his church. It just seems funny that he is known as 'pro-life' when he largely ignores the subject and teaches others to do the same. I fear God for these 'men of God'. We have lost 50 million babies, and most won't say a word. Reminds me of Nazi Germany or our slavery days. Very few spoke out. It was more comfortable to keep quiet.

From Billy:

I was very disappointed when Rick Warren gave his pulpit over to Obama a year or so ago, concerning the AIDS epidemic. Obama is an unapologetic supporter of unrestricted abortion, which has been responsible for more deaths than all the years of AIDS. A little leaven leaveneth the whole loaf, and Mr Warren should realize that the leaven of compromise is the beginning of unending compromise.

From Anonymous:

When I first saw this headline, I thought it was a joke. For a man like Rick Warren to give the invocation for a man that has pledged to sign the Freedom of Choice Act is beyond the pale. Moreover, the Orwellian concept of “social justice” with which Pastor Warren is so enamored belongs in the dustbin of history. To the trained ear, “social justice” is nothing but political cover for yet another failed government-run welfare program. I am a Christian trying to live a Christian life, and I feel no guilt for my disdain for the latest civil-rights fad called “social justice.” I do not believe that anyone’s compassion for God’s children must be directly proportional to his or her support for wasteful government programs that do little more than ensure reelection.

From Anonymous:

This is one swearing in of a President I will NOT watch..especially with the sickening thought that Rick Warren will be there saying Lord knows what. His way and Obama's do not meet.

From Anonymous:

I have had about all I can stand of Rick Warren's double standards. WHOSE side is he really on anyway? I'm beginning to think all he cares about are his questionable political connections. When I saw your article announcing his participation in "that one's" so called inauguration ceremony it absolutely sickened me. It isn't enough Obama is so full of himself that he "thinks" he's God. - Apparently now Rick Warren believes he is too. This is a complete mockery of all things sacred.

Oh well, everybody has their own opinion about this and here's mine;

I am a christian too and i don't disagree with Mr. Warren's decision. Obama's choice of an evangelical to pray for his inauguration shows that he wants to be the president of the whole U.S.A. and not just for liberals.

And Rick Warren's decision to agree means he doesn't judge an unbeliever. Surely Obama and Rick Warren are two very different organisms but that doesn't stop them from being friends.
It's not like Obama asked him to be his Health Secretary or Spiritual Advisor . He just wanted him to pray. Pray. That's all.

And isn't it more appropriate that an evangelical person,someone who knows and will use Jesus' name in his prayer, will pray for an inauguration of a liberal? With many democrats and liberals and agnostics and atheists present? That kind of crowd, regardless if they'll participate in the prayer or not, could use a little light...

Praying for someone or for the whole nation or the whole earth may not being viewed as a form of evangelism by some but for me, prayer is the best weapon than your here let me sell you my product named Jesus approach.

Remember that Jesus didn't came for the well but for the sick. That country could need a little more of Jesus right now...


anyways, while you're thinking, go ahead and dance to this one.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nathan Walters- Escape

I can't say much anything about this guy than he was a former member of boyband Plus One, who in 2001 had a major hit here in the Philippines called Last Flight Out.

This album however is a departure to the boyband sound of Plus One but not to pop music in general. Hints of Jonas Brothers can be heard here and some songs even sounded like country pop if they'll add a little steel guitar and fiddle in the mix.

This is not yet available in the country so I'm offering you a link from Christian Sonic so you can taste what this sounds like.

If you'll like it, wait 'till it's release then go buy it. If not, well, you can delete it after. It'll just be another burden to your hard drive....

Nathan Walters- Escape (2008)

The New 'Emo"

This term really has deviate far far from its original meaning as "emotive hardcore punk" into something melancholic and emotion-filled lyricism...

That said it scares me to read from Studio Subversion's concert reviews of bluegrass/newgrass band The Avett Brothers, folk-rock band Over The Rhine, and jazz/bluegrass/country/classical (and my favorite)band Punch Brothers.


Because according to the said magazine, almost 3/4 of the audience are 15 to 18 year old guys and girls with "skinny jeans and black T-shirt with bangs that atleast covers one of the eye".

The Emo kids! They got tired of the power pop/pop-punk of My Chemical Romance and the acoustic rock of Dashboard Confessional and Secondhand Serenade and their once hero Fall Out Boy now sounds like Duran Duran and write sarcasm instead of emoism. :-)

Folk music which according to Michael Jonathon of Woodsongs Old Time Radio Hour "is a diamond with many facet that includes folk,blues,bluegrass,jazz, celtic, singer-songwriter,down to roots rock 'n roll" writes emotive lyrics long before the word emotive or "emo was invented. Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie and even The Carter Family did this a long time ago and its successors still keep on doing it.

And the "emo" kids found it...

And it's not actually a bad thing. Why?

Because folk music does not promotes suicide and it does not promotes self-image. Folk musicians does not say that in order to belong you have to wear skinny jeans and black t-shirt and have bangs. Johnny Cash never told his fans that in order to be his fans, they have to wear black. No. He didn't!

And if these emo people find comfort on folk music, then maybe their horizon will widen and they will come to respect every genre of music. Cause folk music is all about respect.
A folk music fan listens to country to metal to hiphop and even pop or american idol for that matter for as long as its good and not crap!

Folk music fans judge a song and artists based on his art and not based on publicity...:-)


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Burning Fire

Here's a demo recording of a song i wrote yesterday dawn (Jan.10)

I recorded this in my bedroom. Hope you like it.:-)

This song is a true story. Period.

Burning Fire
Words/Music: Michael Anthony Curan

Nobody really understands the pain she caused me
nobody really care and grasp what I'm feeling inside
My friends made jokes out of my broken heart
They don't feel how she torn me apart

She lied and fooled and deceived me
Pretended that she loved me
Played with my heart, cut it apart
Until it breaks to pieces
Then she denied her feelings
When she told me how she loved me
Insulted me, called me a liar
And left me through the burning fire.

I'm drowning my self in the whiskey everyday
Trying to dissolve the pain away
I keep talking about her, my friends are bored to hear her name
And how...

Repeat Chorus

It's been almost a year since she left me with regrets
Cause I ain't man enough she said
I ain't the boyfriend that satisfies her needs

Repeat Chorus

2009 michael anthony curan

download it here for free;
Burning Fire (raw) by The Difficult Stranger

Welcome to My Not So Little Not So Big Haven !!!

Well hello there, my its been a long long time. That's actually a Willie Nelson line. But anyways welcome to my blogspot. My name is Michael Anthony Curan from the Philippines and here I'm gonna be blogging about just anything i could think of.

And oh yeah, i also do a little singing and writing although it's safe to say that I'm not a pro and not even close to one. I just write and sing because i love doing it and because i can.

I recorded my songs on my Pc or cassette recorder and posted it on imeem so every now and then I'm gonna post some audio here for you guys to download.

And hopefully i'll get a little richer to buy me a digi-cam so i could also post some videos on YouTube.:-)

anyways hope you'll take a minute of your time to glance at my blog.

Good Night and Happy New Year! :-)