Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Gospel According To President Obama

This is just a thought...

I am a little puzzled why people hate it so much when christians start being preachy or when they share (not preach) the Gospel of Jesus to the masses...

I read a lot of demeaning articles about this on how Mr. This and Mr. That should shut their mouth up if they can't say anything than proclaiming Jesus' name.

Yet no one would even accuse the democrats and the liberals of being too preachy about their belief...


Are lectures about benefits of abortion, premarital sex, and any fleshly desires not preaching? huh?

Yet when people started lecturing the dangers of abortion, premarital sex, and etc, criticism are everywhere!!!!

Are the democrats really fair? Or are they just the same as what they thought of of the republicans?

Many would argue that the liberals' views are beneficial while the republicans' are selfish and killjoy. Nut then is discipline and self control and proper thinking ever is a killjoy exercise?:-)
