Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Whatever Happened To Those Boybands???

Brian McFadden and the guys from The Script were formerly from irish boybands Westlife and MyTown respectively. Then all of a sudden they hit their heads on that Celtic stone wall and realized there's more to art than money.

So Brian left Westlife and the guys from MyTown pursued their dreams which is producing records. Then in 2008 they all decided it's time to do what they love. Hence the result; beautiful piece of rock alternative music from Ireland...

but what about those boybands from America? Justin Timberlake of NSYNC is slowly redeeminh himself as an artist. The Backstreet Boys still prefers the money though.

But most people might dismissed this little boyband that got their popularity in 2001. They're called Plus One.

They're manufactured boyband aimed to christian music market as the CCM's answer to Backstreet Boys. And so the hypocracy begins...

But then the guys from Plus One grew up musically and spiritually. They decided bubble gum pop isn't their cup of coffee and they fall inlove and got married too.

But they love playing music... two of the guys left for family reasons. The remaining three continued yet their label don't want them to be rock bands. Their label( Atlantic) was blind.

So they dropped out or rather they're being dropped out. Then the Newsboy guy,Peter Furler, sniffed them up and gave them a chance to record an album of their liking under his label Inpop.

And so Exodus (the CD) was born. It didn't click commercially (although it osunds like 2003 Coldplay). The production isn't that tight and people are still confised what to make of them.

And they completely disappear. Gone. No words.

Then Nathan Walters reappeared with a CD 5 years later (which is 2008).

And then Nate and Gabe convinced their wives that music is art and their passion and decided they'll form a band too.

and so CASTLEDOOR is born.

Who are these guys? What music do they play?

They are the remnants of Plus One but they're no boyband mind you...

Their music falls somewhere between My Morning Jacket and Rooney (infact it was Rooney's Robert who produced their latest CD)

fOr more info, check out this interview here.

And get a taste of their music here.

And in addition to being in an indie rock band, Nate Cole's day job is actually as an office assistant
in Lehrer Architects .

Well, so much to being a full time idol with Plus One. Real band like Castledoor with real music don't really get paid that well. That's the sacrifice you make if you choose art over image..